Doggy Diets for Weight Loss


Fitness is something that is as beneficial to dogs as it is to humans. If your dog is fit and healthy, then it can stay away from lifestyle diseases like obesity and bone diseases. So, how can I tell if my dog is overweight? Other than going to the vet, you can also do an eye test. When you look at your dog from the side, then you should be able to distinguish the rib cage from the stomach. The abdomen needs to tapper in. You need to feel the ribs a little bit during a petting session. Without this, then your dog definitely falls into the obese category.

Obesity in animals is something that should not be taken lightly. If your dog is obese, then they can develop medical conditions like joint pains, heart disease, diabetes and even liver problems. This could make life very uncomfortable for your dog and very expensive for you as the owner. To prevent things from getting worse, you need to help your pet cut back on the weight that they have gained. This is where a good Dog Weight Loss diet comes in handy. Here are a few good options.

Introduce Vegetables

There is no Dog Weight Loss that can work without greens. In order to ensure that your dog is on the right weight-loss track, you need to change their diet in a couple of ways, the first is through the introduction of vegetables. This should go simultaneously with the reduction of regular foods. The plate should thus be more than 50% greens with a side of the usual to add flavour to the meal.

Change The Whole Diet

There are people that feed their dogs according to what commercials say. This is one of the reasons for many dogs being overweight. Instead of trying out a Dog Weight Loss diet, why not first look at what you have in place? Take a closer look at the foods that you feed your dog and see if they meet all of his nutritional needs. Empty foods simply create hunger leading to the need for more food and the cycle continues to a point where your dog cannot tell his feet from his belly. Only feed your dog meals that meet the dietary requirements of a balanced diet.

Reduce The Rations

If you are feeding your dog the right kinds of food, then the one approach to Dog Weight Loss that may actually work is the reduction in rations. This should be done in stages, cut down on the rations by 10% for the first week then 15% the next, then 20% the next and finally by 25%. By this point in time, you should start seeing results. Even as early as the first week. However, you should always ensure that you strive for gradual weight loss as a drastic loss in weight may result in the development of other health issues. If a reduction in the rations has no effect, then it is time to bring in a vet.

Cut Back On The Fat

Dogs need fat in their diet. The problem is that most people go overboard and prefer to feed their dog tasty food rather than healthy food. What you need to do is cut back on the fat as much as possible without necessarily eliminating it from your dog’s diet. This will be highly effective when it comes to implementing a Dog Weight Loss regimen. You need to opt for fat options that are more helpful than others in terms of health. What you need to do is include foods with fish oil, flax seed oils and other things that contain omega 6 and 3 oils.

The Issue of Treats

If you need to offer your dog treats, then you need to choose something healthy. Especially if you regularly offer the dog treats. This will ensure that you don’t affect the health of your dog as you attempt to inspire or reward him. Some healthy treats include:

  • Baby carrots
  • Green beans (Frozen ones are best)
  • Rice cakes
  • Chunks of watermelon
  • Kibble

You can also feed your dog whole foods like broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers apples and brewer’s yeast. These are beneficial to the health of the dog and will increase his energy levels making him more active. This tends to come in handy during Dog Weight Loss.

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Hayley Mae


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